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Online Music Development

Online Music Video

In the recent development of music industry, people tend to use the digital resources. In the past, the production of vinyl is the pioneer on music recording. After that, the cassette tape, CD, Video CD were raising.

Since the introduction of drum machine, the music industry is also increasing. There are various kind of genre in the world. People are easy to make music, record, make a video, etc. For the sake of promotion, many musicians try their best form of music video promotion. 

In the last decade, digital performances in a form of online video become popular. The existence of YouTube helps the musician to improve their music experiments. By YouTube, we can see many videos we want. There is lots of music video by many musicians with their genre. It is the easiest way to promote their music. All we have to do is creating music video, and then upload it to the internet so people see your video freely.

Besides, the technology of purchasing a song is various recently. The online purchasing let us buy the music in the internet. Apple is one kind of company which implements this technology by their iTunes.

However, the disadvantage by this way is the raising of piracy. By digital form, people are copying the song easily. It was an ironic one where in one side, musician easy to promote, in other side, people also easy to copy it.



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