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The Brief Tips on Playing Drum in Metal

The metal drumming is not so difficult is you have a desire on playing drum. 
here it will be delivered about the tips on drum practice:
  • You can practice the blast beat in a metal music. It is the common technique of playing metal. This blast beat is a handed roll of single on the snare drum and other parts like cymbal/hi-hat or ride/hat at the same time with the bass. Usually the bass using double pedal.
  • You should learn about the 16ths beat on kick, 4ths snare, and 8ths on ho-hat/ride.
  • The most important is you should consider that playing metal is not about the fast speed and power. It is about the complexity.
  • You have to be relaxed, and let the drum soul come into your body. It needs time to get the best skill of drumming. You have to be patience in learning metal.
  • You can also look up other technique like hyper blast or gravity blast/gravroll technique so you can combine with your own style.
  • The stretching is also important before practicing metal. You can also put the earphone to learn the technique.
It is all about the tips on playing drum music. You can see the information on this site. 



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