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Improving The Bass Drum Speed and Control

bass drum
Many drummers have the amazing skill on speed and control of hand like sticking and rolling. However they are difficult in the bass drum speed and control. In the metal genre, the bass drum speed and control is the important part of drumming. Usually, people tend to use double pedal to increase the speed of kick.

The learning of speed and control of bass drum can be done by practicing regularly. You can practice it in the home or in the music course by the advice of tutor. The main instrument to practice the bass drum control is metronome which is used to control the constancy of the speed. You can increase the speed step by step in a constant beat.

This practice should be done every day to gain the control of your bass drum. Practicing the single bass drum and double bass drum is not so difficult. When you play the single pedal and double pedal,

For practicing the bass drum skill you can use the ankle weight to develop speed. When you remove after twenty minutes of practice, you can feel like your feet are floating on pedals. The double bass synchronization is also important. You should find the right spot on both pedals.

The best practice of bass drum is kicking the bass with the song you want. If you want to play the metal music, you should play the bass drum with the metal song. It is also being applied in other genre of music. By this practice you can feel the beat in various kinds.



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