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Human Skill vs. Robot Skill

robot music
It is known that music is used for our happiness. It can refresh our mind. By music, we can enjoy the beat, note and lyric. For many people, the soul of music is so important since a music player must have its instrument soul.

The human skill of music can be improved by practice. However, by the technology development, there is one kind of music instrument which can be played automatically. One of them is drum machine which can be played only by pushing the button of drum machine.

It this case, there is a controversial between using the human skill or robotic skill. The robotic skill can be programmed in computer or machine, while the human skill is manually played by human. Some people say that robot skill is better than human skill since there is less fault of beat, tempo, or note. Meanwhile, as a human, there are more faults.

In other side, some other people agreed that human skill is better used for our music rather than programmed music.  The main point here is the soul of music or the sense of musical on the player. By the human skill, in a live performance we can improve immediately the pattern, note, etc.

It is up to you whether you choose the human skill or robot skill. One thing you should note that music can’t be separated from our life. 


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