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Blasting Technique fro Metal

drum technique
The metal music has various kind of technique to play it. The most used technique is blasting. It also called a blast-beat technique. This kind of technique is a repeated, sixteenth-note figure played at a very fast tempo, and divided uniformly among the bass drum, snare, and ride, crash, or hi-hat cymbal. The definition is according to Adam MacGregor's definition.

The combination of those drum stuffs make the great beat of drum. There are various pattern of blasting. When you want to learning the blast technique, you should play it slowly first, and then fasting the tempo. Of course it needs constant tempo to make the great beat of drum.

Many metal genres like black metal, death metal, grind core, etc. used the blast technique in their music. Sometimes, for common people, it so disturbing to hear the sound, but for the metal fan, it is so wonderful and great since it needs a good skill to play the metal drum.

There are many tutorial how to play metal drum in the internet especially YouTube. You can practice it by yourself to upgrade your music skill.


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