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Drum Machine Recording

Many musicians in the world have used the drum machine in their recording. The drum machine itself brings us to the simplicity of recording. We do not need to bring a set of full drum in the studio, just a square of machine which is electrically connected to the program and produce the sound of drum.

If we record a song with a traditional drum, we must spend much time to set the drum, whereas with the drum machine we just need a little time to set it.

The beat, tempo, or note can be adjusted easily. Besides, there are also various sound produced by drum machine and we can add many effect to that sound. In the American music industry, almost all musicians use the drum machine in their recording. We can see it in the live recording that usually uploaded in the internet.

We can also build a pattern or drum beat by drum machine by programming. The technology provides us the easy way in all recording. Many brands of music instrument have produced this kind of drum like Yamaha. They also develop the technology for us.
In the next posts, it will be delivered the advantages and disadvantages of drum machine, the types and model, the review, and all information about music instrument especially drum.
The drum machine is a simple way to play music.



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